Its important to look back as well as to look forward. In times of frustration and challenge its good to reflect on what we have achieved over 19 years of operation as a charity. I have included some stories where I genuinely believe that we helped change peoples lives for good. They are in random order. At the end of the day, I am just the delivery boy, its your support and donations that have made it all possible. Thank you so much.
Tsunami children rescued, Yelambakkam, India

After the devastating tsunami hit the Indian coast near to Chennai on Boxing Day 2004, Eagles Wings worked with some other local UK charities and bought land and built a purpose built rescue centre for orphaned children in Yelambakkam. This was a big challenge financially to pay for the schooling and living expenses of up to 200 children who had lost their parents. One of the pictures shows the children revisiting the sea which held bad memories for so many of them, but it was part of the healing process which was sponsored by Eagles Wings. The project was passed on to local management.
Tribal Conflicts Kenya 2007

This brings back horrible memories for me as I visited soon after to see for myself the devastation caused to so many thousands of people. Pictures are from Eldoret and Burnt Forest and Kericho where our partners supplied food, shelter and medical support from Eagles Wings.