Medical Camps
Eagles Wings have sponsored a number of medical camps in the North West Nile region of Uganda towards the South Sudan and Congo borders. There are many displaced people in this region and affordable and basic health care is quite a challenge for most who are living in very poor conditions.
By taking volunteer Doctors and Nurses from the UK and Uganda, we have been able to give hundreds of people a free consultation, medical check up and free drugs in remote communities often in the open air under trees and makeshift tents. Typically we have been able to process about 200-300 people per day reaching up to 800-900 over a three day camp.
We buy all of our drugs wholesale in country and carry our own medical testing kit for standard tests like blood pressure, HIV, malaria, hepatitis, typhoid, cholera and sexually transmitted diseases.

We are so grateful to all of our UK volunteers who have offered their skills free of charge and covered their own expenses to travel to this remote region of Uganda. Doctors Douglas, Peter and Funke and our support team: Sharon, Kerstin, Patrick, Jason, Tina, Simonz, Angie, Carol and Abbie. A huge thank you for your selfless work to those who are struggling.
Open Air Health Seminars

These are often conducted under trees or tents close to local communities. Retired registered nurse Sharon conducts seminars on healthy eating, basic hygiene and ladies matters. Dr Funke took specialist seminars on sickle cell and Dr Douglas on diabetes.