Football Kit projects
Watford windsheeters for our medical staff who manage a 24 hr/7 days a week centre in all weather
Clothing the naked who have run from conflict in South Sudan
Watford kit for all the 12-18 month olds ! The Mums were super happy in this region of extreme poverty near to Congo
Ilorin, Nigeria. Prospects of employment in this region are poor. Alongside training sessions on business start ups and entrepreneurship we were able to have some football competitions for the youth. This is the referee sporting his new Reading top.
A huge thank you to Kit-Aid UK who have been a major provider of football kit to Eagles Wings from Ipswich Town, Watford, Manchester United, Cardiff City, Reading and outgrown shirts donated through the charity.
Football Kit has opened doors into difficult parts of the World particularly amongst disaffected youth who have been caught up in conflict and run to refugee camps for safety. Eagles Wings volunteers personally take out kit using their baggage allowance to deliver direct to those in need.
By conducting local football camps, training sessions and offering kit as prizes at 5 a side and major competitions it has given us the opportunity to engage with the youth and impart vision and direction to those who are struggling, using our adult literacy and empowerment programmes.
For others, it has literally been a shirt or pair of shorts that has clothed their naked bodies and given a little hope and dignity to the hundreds of youngsters that we meet in our work all over the World.
We deliberately look out for these children at our medical camps and take them aside and discreetly give them the kit!
We are proud to be associated with Kit-Aid UK. Please click on the link to see how you can help.