Mama Jackie with daughter Sharon who gave birth on a dirt floor next door to our clinic. She was not in good shape and had lost a lot of blood. She is one of our success stories after she was attended to by our Doctor John and Sharon.
UK team of volunteers including two GPs, gave their time and skills free of charge to assist with our annual medical camps
Sharon with one of our new mums and babies
Our recently refurbished (2021) pyott which is the local name for our thatched training room and waiting area
Nebbi Maternity & Medical Centre
The Rose of Sharon Medical and Maternity centre in Nebbi has made a significant difference to the lives of mothers and babies in the remote North West Nile region of Uganda towards Congo and South Sudan.
It has been totally funded and built from donations made by Eagles Wings UK.
The latest numbers from the annual report up to the end of December 2020 are encouraging. Please also consider this was during the Covid pandemic and is at a reduced service level and in line with health directives in Uganda
105 successful deliveries of babies against the regional average of 54% survival of mother and/or baby
662 maternal attendances at the clinic
832 out patient visits
3869 people immunised for typhoid, BCG, Polio, Hep B, measles, rotavirus and deworming
14 medical outreaches into communities who have no access to medical facilities. This now includes youth awareness programmes on sexual health held in our thatched pyott.
324 HIV tests of which only 6 were positive and they received advice, counselling and medication
270 started family planning for the frist time.
Eagles Wings pays for the complete running costs of the centre including maintenance of the building and the salaries of our 9 full time staff plus another 6 ancillary workers - groundsmen, security guards, cleaners and cooks. This amounts to approximately £30000 per annum.

Loving People Saving Lives