Eagles Wings is dependant on local volunteers making up and distributing food parcels in their locality
None of them are paid- their work is entirely voluntary
They serve us freely and go where few others go
Some of the regions we work are not safe
Eagles Wings works on a voluntary basis with the support of Ambassadors who offer their skills free of charge to help the work of the charity. This includes fund raising, making presentations to businesses, schools and churches and promoting current projects within their sphere of influence.
The following people currently represent Eagles Wings and all have travelled to one or more international projects and seen the work of the charity first hand.
Sharon Oliver

Sharon uses her wealth of experience, as a former UK registered nurse, to deliver training seminars and teaching sessions on health issues in both Kenya and Uganda. She speaks forthrightly on topics such as having a baby, birth control, the menopause, raising children and family health.
In many remote areas where Eagles Wings is present working in rural communities, Sharon will speak to ladies leaders about the need to teach the next generation how to parent responsibly and show a lead in embracing health guidelines that may even be contrary to local tradition.
Sharon finds the Thare Machi training DVDs very helpful as discussion starters on such subjects as healthy eating, hygiene, high blood pressure and living with and caring for someone with HIV.
She has been instrumental in pressing for a much needed maternity centre to be built in Nebbi, North West Uganda after her visits there.
Kerstin Meeson-Smith

Kerstin is an accountant by profession and currently offers business and tax advice as a freelance consultant. She travelled some years back to Uganda to ‘give something back’ for charity, perhaps not realising how much her skills in accountancy could contribute to many who wanted to start their own business, manage their household budget better and genuinely make a better life for themselves and their children.
Kerstin is a regular volunteer for Eagles Wings and has often given up her annual holiday to travel to Uganda to conduct seminars on simple finance and to give advice on money management. Says Kerstin, “I do feel as though I’m making a difference. The work is hard but its incredibly satisfying. I’m having the time of my life!”